Saturday, April 28, 2007

It's official, we starting IVF...

As of today we have finally decided that we are going forward with our plans to do IVF straight away.

I went for my CD2 scan (all fine) and bloods today, more bloods on Monday and then the I start Min.ulette on Monday too. We go for our IVF appointment with the nurse on the 8th May to discuss the rest of the meds and the protocol they will use on me. This is scary stuff. I am very nervous but excited too. The main thing is that I really can't believe that we are about to start IVF....I mean WTF??

Anyway, I am feeling much better about things now and really looking forward to what the future brings. Frank is being rather quiet about the whole thing, the only thing he does say really is that he is glad that we are moving on and that we aren't doing anymore IUI's. I think men process things differently to us so when I ask him how he feels he just says that he hasn't really thought about it much ~ not like me, madam control freak!

Thank you again for all your support, I'm still gonna need lots of it and am very happy to have you all here with me throughout this journey :)


ultimatejourney said...

I'm so glad you've made a decision that you're comfortable with. I'm not one to wait around unnecessarily either, so I can definitely understand your desire to move forward with IVF. I'll be here rooting you on (except for this coming week, when I'll be away.)

LJ said...

I'm so happy you have a decision that you're comfortable with.

Trust me, I'm here whenever you need. No judgment, just support.

JW said...

Excellent news Tam, I'm so damn excited for you guys. I know you're scared too but this is really such a positive step you guys are taking. So pickup should be in 5 or 6 weeks then? Will they do ICSI too? Thinking of you guys x

Carrie said...

Hi, I'm new here. We're also about to start IVF and our appointment to discuss the cycle, timetable, drugs etc is also the 8th May!
I totally relate to how you feel. When discussing anything with my husband I keep saying 'if we do this IVF then....' I still haven't said when because that sounds to real.
How did it get to this?
I'll keep dropping in to see how you're doing.
Hope all goes well.

Baby Blues said...

I'm glad you're moving forward Tam. I can't wait for September and get our first IVF started too. I'm right here cheering you on. Being a control freak myself, I understand how scary IVF seems but not doing anything is even scarier. Keep me posted.

Becks said...

Good luck with IVF, I have just started my first try...its scary but exciting. If its ok, I'll be following to see how you get on.

Nicole said...

We're here with lots of support for when you need it.

Mama Bear said...

I can totally see that--it must be such a strange realization to finally be on the IVF train. But, a hopeful one. Good luck with your appt on the 8th!

JJ said...

Ive made room on the train...come on aboard. I am sorry you have to make this next step, but we will be with you all the way!

Sarah said...

i'm really happy for you. it's such a great feeling to have a plan, even if it all feels very WTF at the moment. i think we all feel that way. best wishes to you and the hubs. i look forward to following the journey.

Warner Stander said...

Good luck! It is pretty scarey starting off but you'll pick up the meds thing just fine! Wishing you all the best!!