Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Hoping for a Miracle...

I finally decided to go to my GP, Frank has been bugging me to go and see her because I just can’t shake these headaches, I’ve been getting headaches daily since before my BFN. I thought it was just hormones so I phoned Vita.lab and spoke to one of the nurses, she says that no, the hormones would have worked themselves out in a week or so…

Anyway, I went to her thinking that she’d say that it’s just sinus and maybe a bit of flu coming on since I have been sore all over and generally feeling a bit out of sorts. It turns out that it’s all stress related – funny that! The headaches are tension headaches (they can tell you this by where they are), my neck is stiff and sore which I have been complaining about but thought I’d just to get to a message sometime but she’s sending me for physio…

So the diagnosis, stress and fatigue…with a bit of sinus. She also wants to check my thyroid and iron levels because apparently I look a bit anemic….or maybe it’s just lack of sun :)

I sat and spoke to her for a while about IF, she is planning IVF in the next 6 weeks as well so knows how hard this can be, it was refreshing to speak to someone different. You see, her life has been much harder than mine…A few years ago, she was in a car accident and was in a coma for 6 months, she was in the top 3 of her class and in the middle of med school when this happened. When she came around, she had to learn how to walk and talk and do all the things you and I take for granted, she eventually went back to med school and failed. She tried again and finished in the top 20, the reason she needs IVF is because she was so messed up from the accident that she is unable to fall pregnant without IVF. A sad story but also one of those that gives you hope and makes you realize that maybe, just maybe your life isn’t that bad.

She is wonderful, so full of life and positivity. I really take my hat off to her. Anyway, she asked why I can’t fall pregnant and I told her it was because of Endo, hostile mu,cus/acidity and a prog deficiency, she said that many people fall pregnant with all of these naturally and she is right, we just got sick of the DIY stuff and stopped trying naturally…she also said that she thinks that I haven’t dealt with this enough, haven’t quite moved on and she is right.

After my appointment with her, I spoke to Frank and we have decided to give it some more time, we will start trying naturally as soon as my body is back to normal, I will do the bicarb thing for my acidity and get prog.esterone from her to use in the 2ww. We are thinking about putting the FET off until next year, for now this is the plan, “the plan” might change of-course and I might not be able to wait as long for the FET but for now I feel good. I need to put this all behind me for a bit, it’s been a hard year. It’s not an easy decision to make but one that I feel I needed to. Who knows, miracles do happen every once in a while…


Carrie said...

Tam, I'm sorry you now have these headaches. I'm not suprised they are caused by stress. You've ben through a heap of emotions lately.
I'm glad you are going to try naturally again. It does happen so much and if you have a plan B as well, it won't be as much pressure.
I really hope it happens soon for you two.

ultimatejourney said...

Wow, I'm sorry that the stress has taken such a physical toll on you. I hope that trying naturally will be a little easier on you. And if you decide to go back to IVF, you've got some nice embies on ice waiting. It's always nice to have both a plan and a backup plan. Good luck, hon.

Sarah said...

i agree that is really important to take the time to deal with it all and move on when you're ready. but i wish you luck, because DIY cycles take such a huge toll on me. maybe it will help if you can take some of the pressure off of hoping it will happen. at least give it some time. take care of yourself!

Mama Bear said...

I'm so sorry that the stress of all of this is really hitting you hard. I'm glad you went to the doctor though, and I hope that you do start to feel better.

I wish you all the best in your DIY cycles. I hope that being off the hormones helps your headaches. But most of all, I hope that you get a wonderful surprise--you deserve it!

take care of yourself!

thinking of you...

Baby Blues said...

Take all the time you need to de-stress yourself.
A natural cycle might just bring the miracle you've been waiting for. You're in my thoughts and prayers.

One View said...

I used to get a lot of tension headahces as well. I've done everything from massage therapy, accupunture to Chiro to help me. For me, I've been in 3 rear ender accidents (all not my fault) and one was quite serious that I had to attend physio and my back/neck have never been the same. So I blamed mine on that but to come to think about, it could have been the added stress as well. I know the emotional toll this all can take and I had many breaks in between my cycles as well. I knew I needed it and it was for my own sanity. So I'm glad you are focusing on healing and getting better. I hope your miracle comes soon and you won't need to do an FET. Take care...!

Heather said...

So sorry you're not feeling well. Please take this time to take care of yourself, spiritually as well as physically.

If you do want to try naturally again (which is what we are doing), I suggest checking out the books The Fertile Female by Julia Inchova and The Infertility Cure by Randine Lewis. They are my good friends these several months. Now if I could only put in action everything they recommend, but I figure, even a little has to help. I've also been seeing an acupuncturist since May.

Good luck.

anna said...

I know those tension headaches well! Have you thought about acupuncture? It's really nice and helps rebalance and destress...and this coming from someone who practices Western medicine!
I think waiting is a good idea. You can always move up the FET when you feel a bit better, but this way, there's more room for you to recover from the huge loss you just experienced. My thoughts and prayers are with you!!!

Anonymous said...

Tam, sorry about the stress. Like you once told me, only you can decide when you're ready to move forward and what's right for you. Trust in yourself - you know when you need a break. While you're on a break from medical treatment, you should go to Dr. Debbie in the (Mands acupuncturist). I really hope it all works out for you SOON! Be strong.


Mandy said...

I think the acu/ chinese/ homeopathic route will really help you.. the first thing I did with Dr Debbie was test my thyroid. You take a cotton bud with a bit of iodine (the orange one) and wipe it on the bottom of your foot (in your arch) before bed. Check if is still there in the morning. Do this for 3-4 days in a row and document the results. Also make sure that you are not AF or ovulating. For the same 3-4 days, you chart your temp first thing in the morning. If your temp is higher than normal, and the iodine disppears altogether, chances are you have thyroid problem. She also put me onto vit B for energy and wellbeing, and calcium for improved mental and memory function. (She must think I'm nuts! :-)She also gave me some little white chinese balletjies and some other herbal concoction in a tablet form. The key to herbal medicine is to take it consistently over a period of time. It can't hurt to try, and I think we are both at the stage where we'll try just about anything.